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Borne Béton Grande

Design by Le Corbusier

Nemo Borne Béton Grande, outdoor
(delivery time 21 days)
MSRP 1.607,00 €
1.289,00 €
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Built-in LED modules

Technical specifications

Collection Nemo Borne Béton
Category Nemo Path Lights & Bollard Lights
Nemo Garden Lighting
Design Le Corbusier
Dimensions Width 50 cm, height 50 cm, depth 36 cm, base depth 31 cm, cable length 3 m, weight 53 kg.
Bulbs 38.4W LED 110/230V, 3.000K, 1920 lm, CRI 80.


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About the Collection Nemo Borne Béton

The Borne Béton bollard light, signed by the famous architect Le Corbusier, was originally designed for his Unité d'habitation de Marseille project.

The unusual light's design testifies to this origin: They are made of cement and have a rudimentary, but organically rounded shape that is reminiscent of a mooring bitt. The light is emitted downwards and to the side so that the low LED floor lamps set lighting accents without dazzling.

Borne Béton LED is an impressive version of the designer classic and intended for outdoor use. The smaller Borne Béton Petite also has an indoor version which is a stylish design piece in the living area.

The floor lamps in the Borne Béton collection are equipped with integrated LEDs and emit a warm white light. Appropriate mounting accessories for the outdoor bollard lights can be ordered on request and against an additional charge.